OpenRoads Designer CONNECT Edition SDK Help

LinearPoint Properties


ChordDistance Gets chord distance along the LinearElement
Coordinates Gets coordinates of the point
Curvature Gets the curvature along the linear element
DistanceAlong Gets distance along the LinearElement
DistanceOnExtension Gets the distance on the extension (<0 before beginning, >0 after end)
IsOnExtension Gets whether the point is on the extension
LinearElement Gets the linear element associated with this point
NormalVector Gets the normal vector along the linear element
Offset Gets offset of the point regarding linear element
OffsetOnExtension Gets the offset of the point on the extension (<0 before beginning, >0 after end)
Parameter Gets the parameter along the element
PointOnExtension Gets the coordinates of the point on the extension
SubComponentIndex Gets the sub component index
Tangent Gets the tangent vector along the linear element
TangentDirection Gets the tangent direction along the linear element
TangentVector Gets the tangent vector along the linear element

See Also